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Edgbaston 0121 429 2829
Northfield 0121 475 4828
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Showing 90 results for ""

The Club for the mature feline

The Club for the mature feline

The aim of this club is to look after you and your little feline friend as they progress into their mature years and beyond.

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Arthritis in Pets
Senior dog lying down

Arthritis in Pets

Does your dog or cat have arthritis? In our latest blog post, we look at the symptoms of arthritis in our pets and how to manage the condition...

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Dog-Friendly Pancakes
Siberian husky

Dog-Friendly Pancakes

Treat your pooch this Pancake Day with some dog-friendly pancakes, courtesy of BorrowMyDoggy…

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Stopping Alabama Rot
Dog's legs standing in mud

Stopping Alabama Rot

Keep paws clean and dry, checking often for cuts or lesions; avoid dirty, muddy areas and you'll help to keep your dog safe from an unpleasant disease known as Alabama Rot...

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Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year

“Happy Chinese New Year/ Spring Festival” ...to everyone celebrating today! 2020 is the Year of the Rat.

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Diet Time!
Cat walking towards a plant

Diet Time!

Did you know that in the UK, 1 in 3 cats and 1 in 4 dogs are overweight? And as so many owners think their pet’s weight is fine, the problem continues to grow.

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Did you know?

Did you know?

Manor Vets offer on-site CT scanning referrals. We accept scan requests from other veterinary practices throughout the UK at our Halesowen Hospital.

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Pets 1, January Blues 0
Small dog sitting with owner looking over a landscape

Pets 1, January Blues 0

Christmas is over, the weather is still cold and the nights are still dark, but it’s nothing your pet can’t fix…

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Paws this morning

Paws this morning

Happy New Year and Welcome to a whole new decade - 2020!

We hope you enjoyed last night’s celebrations and that you have a Fabulous New Years Day!

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The Importance of Vaccinations
Golden labrador in a field

The Importance of Vaccinations

A look at what routine vaccinations and boosters cover, and why they’re so important for the welfare of our pets…

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Cold Weather Care
Winter lake

Cold Weather Care

Brrrr! As the temperature drops a tad closer to zero, let's look at how to keep our furry friends nice and warm...

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Pawf. Charles’ Firework Tips
Fireworks in the sky

Pawf. Charles’ Firework Tips

HOOMAN! Find out how to keep your pet comfortable and calm during the Firework festivities, courtesy of BorrowMyDoggy…

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